Sunday 27 May 2012

Cotton baskets to put things in

There can never be too many vessels at home, where to put smalls things in. These white baskets with 'woven' pattern are knitted in the round almost like hats. Firmness is not their strongest quality, when empty, so all the more reason to fill them up.

Knitted storage basket

Home decor knitted basket


  1. The top one is my fav. Are these your designs?

    1. Where is the pattern?

    2. Sorry, there is no pattern for these, I just improvised and did not write it down.

  2. Well, yes, made using the design-as-you-go-and-see-where-you-end-up-and-then-try-again-a-little-differently technique...

  3. Well they're perfect...but maybe they're not the very first ones :) Maybe they are. Maybe you're just that good! Happy Memorial Day. We're facing Sub-Tropical storm Beryl so all is cancelled for tomorrow.

  4. Love the idea of this cotton basket. I will ask my sister to make this cotton cover for me.

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