Monday 23 May 2011

What women crafted 107 years ago

Came across an antique German craft magazin called Frauen-Fleiss (Women's Diligence) from 1904 and I just have to share some of those fabulous art nouveau style designs and patterns.
It appears to be a tabloid size magazine on four pages, published quarterly since 1893, possibly a supplement of some newspaper.


Bin seit kurzem in den Besitz einer alten Handarbeitszeitung "Frauen-Fleiß" von 1904 bekommen und einfach muß einige von diesen wunderbaren Handarbeiten im Jugendstil vorstellen.
Diese Zeitung auf vier Seiten wurde offensichtlich seit 1893 von Verlag John Henry Schwerin veröffentlicht, möglicherweise als eine Beilage zu irgendeiner größeren Zeitung.

Die Zeitung hat insgesamt 53 Anleitungen, meistens für Stickereien, Näh- und Häkelarbeiten, aber ebenso für einen Behälter für Postkarten in "modernem Kerbschnitt" und für einen Palmenkübel als Tiefbrand-Modellierarbeit.
Es gab noch einen Extra-Bogen mit Musterzeichnungen für größeren Arbeiten, den mußte man von der Redaktion zusätzlich kaufen.

There are 53 instructions for sewing, embroidery, crochet and other needlework, but also for a wooden postcard storage box and a decorated flower pot to be made of clay.







This last crochet lace edging seemed the easiest piece in the collection and the pattern quite understandable to my surprise, so this is my small sample with one motif:

Häkelspitze im Jugendstil

Not sure, if everything turned out the way it was supposed to, but it looks art nouveau enough to me. The only thing missing now is a dress on where to sew it.

Friday 13 May 2011

No colours today

Sometimes eyes get tired of sunshine that lasts for weeks and a grey cloudy day feels very refreshing. In the same manner, all the colours around can seem too much to take every once in a while and it is time to look at things in black and white for a change.

Black and white beaded pincushion

Tuesday 10 May 2011

And the pincushion goes to...

Thank you all so much for taking part in the giveaway and leaving such complimenting comments! Besides blushing, I have a long list of blogs to visit and read now, this is so exciting.

The most popular post according to your votes was the Mystic Forest shawl pattern, followed by Wire Mailbox. Good to know! For example, the blocking frame post was not mentioned at all...
I knew it! The nails were not straight enough. Must remind myself to concentrate on softer materials.

But to the most important part: the drawing. Used the help of an impartial organisation and here are the results:

Congratulations! Comment no. 4 was written by Ashley, hope to get in touch with you soon.

For all who did not win today: thank you again and better luck next time! This will certainly not be the last giveaway on this blog, I really enjoyed the entire event.