Thursday 22 July 2010

Diamond shawl

The project started in the previous post is accomplished now inspite of the inhumane weather conditions. It's a merino wool lace shawl with continuous diamonds and zig-zags.
The colour is very neutral greyish brown, wearable with almost anything. Usually I don't like to use stitch patterns with "sharp corners" with wool, but I was aiming for a shawl that would look more modern rather than too romantic. If lace can be unromantic at all, that is.
And to think of all the extra warmth captured in it...

If you would like to knit a similar shawl, why not try the Allegretto shawl pattern.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Wool mess in a heatwave

The hottest season reminds knitters that it is high time to take out the wool and start preparations for the autumn and winter time. Yippii! Wool and handknitting - what a natural harmony.
Coming down to earth I discovered that most of my lace yarns are in skeins and need winding to balls. My granny always said, never take the yarn ball through any loops or you'll be doing it for the rest of the skein, but I got it all so messed up and couldn't help myself... Luckily, the situation cleared up in the middle of the skein and I could enjoy a bit of quick easy winding.

Wool skein

And even managed to do some knitting tests - for a project that I started yesterday and according to my speed calculations could last until Christmas. Well, at least it would be easy to decide, which work to take along for instance, when evacuating from the city if the weather forecast for the next week will become true - temperatures above +30°C.

Knitted lace motif