Sunday 13 November 2011

Heart for the country

With weather getting darker and colder, the cravings for cosy and warming home accessories grow stronger. And the sewing machine is a good quick solution for a change, when most things take forever to make. These cuddly country style hearts were accomplished in no time and now they're just hanging around, bringing out smiles with their funny shape.

Country style shabby hearts

Friday 4 November 2011

Multiplying seeds

Seed beads have a tendency to multiply very well over the years and take over more boxes and drawers all the time, no matter the season. I wanted to decrease the amount by creating some extremely long necklaces. These are like unjoined glass ropes offering various wearing options. But although they are each 3-5 metres long and have taken hours to bead, only a fracture of the stash is used. Still got enough for years.

Seed bead rope necklaces