Thursday 14 March 2013

Sewing machine's new clothes

The sewing machine got a new dress - hoping to get her into working mood more often. Besides, the original plastic cover was just ugly.

Handmade sewing machine cover

There is a small summer wardrobe fashion show on the front to give hints what to make or what to wear. (Despite all that endless snow outside.)

Applique sewing machine cover


  1. 0h... this is just too cute! I agree on the plastic covers they are so boring and ugly. lol I LOVE what you did to jazz yours up though. Very cool idea

    1. Thank you so much! Fun and personalised tools really help to create an inspiring working space and keep up the work spirit.

  2. It is a time when each and every person believes in fashion. Men and women are equally interested in fashion. nsf online

  3. A modern one can cost a lot of money, if someone never bought a sewing machines before they will often not even know where to start.

  4. That is quite different. Sewing may not be a hobby for everyone but for those that wish to learn how to sew may benefit from a sewing machine that offers basic functions but with updated features that will help the user improve her craft
